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GOOD LIFE. GOOD EARTH. candles are the perfect way to enhance any home environment.

Candlelight in your home creates a sense of belonging and cozy warmth.

The smell of our subtle scents stimulates your limbic system, can improve your mood, and sharpen your focus on the present moment. Light up your world!

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Hello, I’m Char Schuster - the aromatherapist and candlemaker. Making safe, non-toxic candles is one of my true joys in life. Our “healthy” candles are handmade in Ohio and offer you a chance to enhance your home environment in several ways:

  1. Ambiance: Candles create a warm and cozy atmosphere, instantly making a space feel more inviting and comfortable. The flickering flame adds a soft, natural light that is both calming and aesthetically pleasing.

  2. Scent: Candles can fill a room with delightful scents, such as peppermint, vanilla, lemon, and other alluring combinations of essential oils. Some aromatherapy candles with essential oils can also promote relaxation and stress relief.

  3. Decor: Depending on the essential oils, they can be used as focal points on mantels, coffee tables, or bedside tables or lit to reduce anxiety and stress.

  4. Mood Enhancement: Lighting candles can help create a romantic or intimate ambiance for special occasions or quiet evenings at home. They can also be used during meditation or yoga practices to promote mindfulness and spiritual well-being.

  5. Celebrations: Candles are often used as gifts for special celebrations as they can symbolize joy, hope, and positivity.

  6. Emergency Lighting: Candles can even serve as reliable light sources during power outages or emergencies, ensuring you can still safely navigate your home.


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Candles to nourish your spirit.

Our candles are scented with essential oils that calm, uplift, or invigorate your mood. Lavender, for example, can promote relaxation, while citrus scents like lemon or orange can boost energy and alertness.

Lighting a candle and focusing on its flame can be a simple form of mindfulness practice, helping to center your thoughts and bring awareness to the present moment.

Incorporating candle burning into your daily routine can become a comforting ritual. It can signal the transition from work to relaxation or mark special occasions like bath time or meditation sessions.

Overall, burning our candles will engage your senses, provide comfort, and remind you to pause and appreciate the small moments in life.

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Bringing a little joy to those in need.

Our give-back program supports two outstanding organizations:

St. Vincent de Paul + The NeuroFit Gym

St. Vincent de Paul has been serving the poor and homeless for more than 200 years. They foster hope by providing spiritual and material assistance in local communities internationally. Every month, we donate money to buy groceries for one of their families.

NeuroFit Gym is a local 501(c)3 organization that provides a gym-like wellness environment for individuals with neurological issues. Licensed doctors of physical therapy provide a safe, welcoming environment for patients and teach a variety of wellness sessions, including boxing and yoga.

